Energy Talk Series III| INDONESIA ENERGY SECTOR: Moving Towards Smart Cities
Uploaded by Prakarsa Jaringan Cerdas Indonesia | 19th January 2021 Script Writer : Miftahus Salam
Editor : Nisma Islami Maharani & Cecilia Novia
Cities are becoming smarter. With the enormous increase of new and better technologies, city have many possibilities to used in their operations. The emergence of IoT and A.I is for data collecting and case analyzing to city improvement better then before and become Smart City.
To make energy sector better than before, world need to do energy transition. This energy transition aim are 3D energy transition, i,e :
Decarbonization. Om Large sectors of the economy such as transport and heating
Digitalization. Digitalization of The grid edge with smart sensors and the advent of IoT
Decentralization. Democratisation of energy by making customers a part of a new decentralised ecosystem
Cities are the highest energy customer :
Today 54% people stay in cities and will grow up to 67% in 2035
In 2050 70% global population will live in cities
Energy consumption will increase in cities area
To reach better energy sector in Indonesia, the country can do many ways. Moving Toward Smart Cities is one of the way to support the energy transition.
Smart City is a city that can utilize its resources effectively and efficiently to solve any city challanges using smart solution by providing infrastructures and deliver city services to improve Quality of Life.
These innovative products are categorized according to the technology concept in Smart City, namely sensing, understanding and acting which are carried out on a Smart City platform. This platform Called Smart System Platform (SSP).
Sensing is a concept for knowing and observing city conditions with the help of sensors to collect data.
Understanding is a concept to understand the city better through processed data. One of the functions of the SSP is to process, integrate and analyze the data that has been collected.
Acting is a concept to take action quickly from the results of the analysis that has been done. Innovative products to help the acting process include the existence of a command center that utilizes SSP technology.
Smart City use smart solution to resolve the city's problem. This smart solution disrupt technology, business, and social sector. This Disruption are :
- Internet of Things - Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data - Social Robotics
- Cloud Computing - Cyber Security
- Co-creation - Driverless Car
Smartcity as a model is indeed a relatively new approach in Indonesia. In essence, as a model, smartcity is an important instrument and an effort for cities in Indonesia to bypass the problem that is getting higher as a consequence of population growth both due to high fertility as well as extremely rapid urbanization.
Smartcity staging is divided into five categories / stages :
- Adhoc - Integrative
- Initiative - Smart City
- Scattered
Classification of Energy Intervention Areas in the Smart City :
Generation. Generation Provides Energy - From an energy generation perspective, renewable energy sources entail a mid to long term invesment and non renewable sources can be suitable short term alternative.
Storage. Secure the Availability - Within smart cities, energy storage systems are mainly expected to serve two purposes; the integration of renewable sources and the delivery of demand response schemes.
Infrastructure. Distribution of Energy and UI - Supplying thermal and electrical energy to different interconected facilities. Commonly addresses ways to use the current infrastructure efficiently, avoiding unnecessary invesment.
Facilities. Final Consumers of Energy - One of the major challanges in smart buildings is minimizing power consumption without compromising user's comfort, because buildings are the largest energy consumers.
Transport (Mobility). Final Consumers of Energy - One of the main air polluters within cities. Future transport system, both public and private, should be cleaner and more efficient, creating important health cost.
Smart City leave the traditional energy distribution system and replace with smart future infrastructure. This smart future infrastructure using smart grid to modernizing power system by means if real-time monitoring, automation, and self controlling issues.
To develop smart city we need to build smart
grid component, such as :
Distributed Energy Resources
- Exim Meters
- Energy Management System
- Smart Micro Grid
EV Infrastructure
- Smart Transportation
Advanced Metering Infrastructure
- Smart Home
Demand Respones
- Automatic Demand Response
- Home Energy System
- Dynamic Pricing
Collaboration between Smart Grid and Smart Cities :
Infrastructured Sharing
Data Sharing
Cost Sharing
Moving Toward Smart City is not easy in Indonesia. Indonesia still has some issues such as:
Infrastructure. Provision of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure is still a big challenge in realizing a smart city. One of the crucial infrastructures to be implemented is the problem of connectivity which of course will be related to the application of the Internet of Things (IoT).With the interconnectivity of IoT, it will certainly allow automation to expand the smart city area, which in training will be closely related to the use of various ICT solutions.
Government Commitment. The success factor for Smart City started from the commitment of the local government. Without the government's commitment, the dream of realizing a smart city will be difficult to achieve. This commitment can be measured from policies that emphasize the acceleration of smart city development.
Human. One of the important indicators in realizing and the success factor of a Smart City is human resources. Citizens who are actively reporting environmental problems, for example, are one example. An active community can certainly make the city government receive input in determining the direction of development and improvement of public facilities and services.
Security. People need security in accessing information. So, security is still an issue in any network system. Especially if the system covers a large scale or a whole city, such as a smart city, security threats need to be taken seriously.When a system is connected, the handling will also be more complex. The complexity of security can also be seen from several parts of the smart city infrastructure which are very likely to be handled by different service and goods providers.
Fiscal. Fiscal sector must also receive a large portion of attention in the success factors of a Smart City. This fiscal space is related to the budget allocated for implementing smart cities. For example, by providing a special budget outside of their Regional Budget (APBD).
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