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#HLN77 E-Podtalks: "Solar Panels, Profitable Green Products For Commercial Areas"

#HLN77 E-Podtalks: "Solar Panels, Profitable Green Products For Commercial Areas"

In the framework of National Electricity Day, PJCI held informative and interesting activities about Green Electricity at Energy Podcast Talks (E-Podtalks): "Solar Panels, Profitable Green Products For Commercial Areas". Solar panels as a green product for commercial areas are now increasingly being used for many office and industrial areas which generally have large roofs. The value of solar panels in the future will be even higher. Installing solar panels today can provide many times the benefits. With awesome speakers : * Praptono Adhi Sulistomo,. S.T., M.Eng.Sc- Coordinator of Investment and Corporation of Various of Renewable Energy, DGREEC, MEMR Indonesia * Dr. Triarko Nurlambang, M.A - Coordinator of Sustainable Development Goals Hub University of Indonesia * Prabu M A Sartono- Human Resources and Talent at Gran Melia Hotel Jakarta Moderators: Ir. Eddie Widiono, MM., M.SC - Founder and Chairman of Supervisory Board at PJCI And will be held on : Day : Friday, October 28, 2022 Time : 10.00 - 11.30 WIB Place : Youtube live streaming (id_smartgrid) Don't forget to follow all our social media accounts: Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube to get more knowledge about the energy sector, Let's Subscribe : Join Now and Get the e-certificate by click: #smartgrid #PLTS #solarpanel #electricity #greenenergy #cleanenergy #greenenergy #energisurya #podcast #spotify #g20indonesia #hln77 #harilistriknasional #PLTSatap #PLTS #industry #Coal #mining #silica #interconnected #artificialintelligence #IoT #Twitter #livestream
🔴PJCI International Conference- The Role of Electrical Power Sector to Achieved NZE Target in ASEAN

🔴PJCI International Conference- The Role of Electrical Power Sector to Achieved NZE Target in ASEAN

Indonesia Smart Grid Initiative / Prakarsa Jaringan Cerdas Indonesia (PJCI) as one of the organizations that focus on and encourage the development of smart grid and smart energy in Indonesia and also the part of Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF) will holding an international conference with theme “The Role of Electrical Power Sector To Achieved NZE Target in ASEAN” on January 25th 2023. Historical and future global temperature curve lines paint a worrying picture, with the earth warming at an unseen pace. It is now 1.1°C warmer than at the start of the industrial revolution. In some ASEA regions, the temperatures will be up to 5°C higher by 2100 if things don’t change. The implications of the net-zero transition by 2050 are universal: all regions would need to decarbonize, all would have some exposure to the transition, all would face some degree of physical risk, and all would have growth potential resulting from the transition. However, the implications for regions and countries vary—as Asia, especially ASEAN itself illustrates. By this webinar, we hope all countries would share the conditions and challenges of the Renewable Energy Power and The Grid System to Realize Green Global Interconnectivity. We aim to facilitate improved understanding of Renewable Energy system opportunities in ASEAN and build connections and encourage dialogues between Indonesia and ASEAN Renewable Energy key players. Meet our professional speakers: Dadan Kusdiana - Director General for Various of Renewable Energy, DGREEC, MEMR Indonesia Reji Kumar Pilai - President of India Smart Grid Forum and Chairman of Global Smart Energy Federation (GSEF) Moh Ikhsan Asaad - Chairman of Organizer Board of Indonesia Smart Grid Initiatives (PJCI), Director Mega Project of State Electricity Company (PT PLN (Persero)) 2020-2021. Akbar Dwi Wahyono - Research Analyst at Power, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy & Storage Depart at ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) Ir. Dev Anandan - Chief Grid Officer of Tenaga Nasional Berhad - TNB Malaysia* Ir. Zainal Arifin - Executive Vice President of Engineering and Technology at PT PLN (Persero) Indonesia Matthieu Wittenstein - Chief of Section for Energy Connectivity at The United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific (UNESCAP) Eddie Widiono - Founder and Supervisory Board of Indonesia Smart Grid Initiatives (PJCI). Miss Patcharamanee Yenmunkong Director of Stakeholder Engagement and Corporate Communication for Sustainability Department at Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) Thailand
Presidential Staff Office (KSP)-Indonesia Needs Government & Politic Commitment for #RenewableEnergy

Presidential Staff Office (KSP)-Indonesia Needs Government & Politic Commitment for #RenewableEnergy

Exclusive talk with Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan - Energy expert staff in the Executive Office of the President of Republic of Indonesia. ENERGY TRANSITION: Indonesia Needs Government and Politic Commitment, Also Strategic and Policy for Strengthen Investment Climate of Renewable Energy. 1. Bagaimana Pemerintah mengamati hal tersebut? Apakah memungkinkan target bauran energi nasional tercapai dan komitmen-komitmen Indonesia lainnya? 2. Apa saja rencana konkret dan riil Pemerintah dalam mewujutkan target dan komitmen energi bauran dan net zero Indonesia tersebut? 3. Dalam hal keekonomian, bagiamana Pemerintah mampu mendorong transisi dan transformasi energi Indonesia? Indonesia berkomitmen untuk berkontribusi mencapai target Persetujuan Paris dengan mitigasi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK) yang dituangkan dalam Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Salah satu strategi utama mencapai target 29% penurunan emisi GRK yang tertuang di NDC ialah mengakselerasi pembangunan energi terbarukan sehingga mencapai bauran sebesar 23% dalam bauran energi nasional di 2025. Namun, hingga akhir 2020, Indonesia baru mencapai 11,5 persen. Pencapaian bauran energi terbarukan ini merupakan milestone penting untuk Indonesia berada pada jalur transisi energi. Untuk mencapai target dalam Persetujuan Paris dan net-zero pada pertengahan abad ini, emisi global harus turun menjadi 45% dari tingkat tahun 2010 di 2030. Agar tujuan tersebut tercapai, maka pembakaran energi fosil, yang merupakan kontributor 70% emisi GRK global, harus diturunkan. Indonesia yang 90% pasokan energinya masih berasal dari bahan bakar fosil perlu bersiap diri melakukan transformasi energi. Dalam tiga dekade mendatang, kita harus mampu meningkatkan pasokan energi terbarukan kita secara masif, dan bertransformasi menuju sistem energi bersih. Transformasi energi yang meninggalkan energi fosil yang kotor menuju energi bersih tidak bisa dilakukan secara serampangan dan sesaat, melainkan butuh perencanaan di berbagai bidang, risiko perlu dipetakan dan strategi mitigasi perlu dipersiapkan untuk mengurangi dampak negatif dan biaya ekonomi. Untuk itu diperlukan strategi dan peta jalan transisi energi di Indonesia. Namun, Indonesia masih mempunyai cukup waktu bila pemerintah lebih ambisius membenahi kesiapan berbagai aspek transisi energi yaitu: a) komitmen politik dan regulasi yang mendorong akselerasi pengembangan energi terbarukan, b) investasi dan keuangan, c) tekno-ekonomi, dan d) penerimaan publik. Hal ini penting dilakukan agar proses transisi energi berjalan secara berkeadilan serta tidak membawa kerugian sosial ekonomi yang lebih besar. Komitmen dan semangat ini mampu meningkatkan kapasitas terpasang PLTS atap di Jawa Tengah hingga 5,1 MW dari berbagai sektor di tahun 2020. Di tahun ini, Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah mendukung pemanfaatan energi surya untuk pemulihan ekonomi pasca-pandemi dengan pemasangan PLTS atap di UMKM. Surat Edaran Gubernur untuk pemanfaatan PLTS atap di bangunan pemerintah, publik, komersial, dan industri yang dikeluarkan di 2019 juga menunjukkan keseriusan Jawa Tengah. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan IESR, Potensi Teknis PLTS terapung di Jawa Tengah dengan bendungannya dapat mencapai 723 MWp. Pemerintah Jawa Tengah pun menangkap potensi tersebut dan berkomitmen mengembangkan PLTS Terapung.
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Jun 23, 2023, 7:00 AM – 3:23 PM
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